Organizational Status
- SAFE is an ISO 14001:2015 certified, non-profit civil society organization, constituted under the Trust Act of India 1862
- SAFE is registered u/s 12AB & 80G of IT Act (non-profit) of India and as well 11(1) of the FCR Act of India, as well u/s CSR-1 of MCA
- SAFE is accredited as a national CSO by the M/o Env. Forest & Climate Change and as well by the NGO Darpan of Niti Ayog of India, National Water Mission, National Renewable Energy Mission and National Livelihood Mission of Govt. of India
- SAFE is in consultative status with UN Environment, UNFCCC, ECOSOC, UNDP, UN-DESA, Gender-CC, GEF & GCF.
- SAFE is a collaborating partner to 14 national & international institutes / organizations including IWMI, APN, CGAIR, ICAR, BSI, ZSI.
SAFE is a Not-for-profit, Community based civil society organization registered under the Trust Act of India 1861 & u/s 12A & 80G of IT Act of India, FCRA u/s 11(1) and accredited by M/O Planning and Central Social Welfare Board, Govt. of India.