South Asian Forum for Environment

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Organizational Status

  1. SAFE is an ISO 14001:2015 certified, non-profit civil society organization, constituted under the Trust Act of India 1862
  2. SAFE is registered u/s 12AB & 80G of IT Act (non-profit) of India and as well 11(1) of the FCR Act of India, as well u/s CSR-1 of MCA
  3. SAFE is accredited as a national CSO by the M/o Env. Forest & Climate Change and as well by the NGO Darpan of Niti Ayog of India, National Water Mission, National Renewable Energy Mission and National Livelihood Mission of Govt. of India
  4. SAFE is in consultative status with UN Environment, UNFCCC, ECOSOC, UNDP, UN-DESA, Gender-CC, GEF & GCF.
  5. SAFE is a collaborating partner to 14 national & international institutes / organizations including IWMI, APN, CGAIR, ICAR, BSI, ZSI.

SAFE is a Not-for-profit, Community based civil society organization registered under the Trust Act of India 1861 & u/s 12A & 80G of IT Act of India, FCRA u/s 11(1) and accredited by M/O Planning and Central Social Welfare Board, Govt. of India.